We perform aircraft stress analysis using a variety of classical methods and numerical simulation tools to analyze and size structural components. To build Finite Element Models (FEM), TLG uses the latest industry leading meshing tools. TLG can run a full range of simulations, including; linear static, modal, buckling, frequency response, thermal, implicit and explicit nonlinear.
TLG utilizes large computing clusters to support time intensive simulations and analysis. TLG’s ability to support multiple parallel solutions is another capability that is available to alleviate bottlenecks and preserve program schedules.
Stress Analysis Services
- Metallic and Composite Analysis and Design
- Static, Fatigue and Damage Tolerance Analysis
- Bird Strike and Rotor Burst Impact Simulation
- Continued Airworthiness Documentation
- Support In-service Major Repairs and Alterations
- Ground Test Planning, Support and Analysis
- Finite Element Analysis Experience Includes:
- Linear Static
- Modal and Frequency Response
- Buckling
- Implicit and Explicit Nonlinear
- Optimization
- Thermal
- Validated by Test or Classical Methods
More Than a FEM
It takes more than a FEM to assure aircraft components meet critical requirements. Primary structure may require Fatigue and Damage Tolerance (F&DT) analysis. Addressing criteria such as Failsafe or Safe-life early in the development cycle can significantly alter the test and certification approach. TLG’s engineers are experienced with both F&DT analysis tools and continued airworthiness documents that category 23 and 25 aircraft require.TLG also specializes in supporting aerospace related tooling programs, including thermal and stress analysis of high-pressure Resin Transfer Molds (TRM), transitional autoclave and oven thermal cycle analysis, and specialized large-scale aircraft shipping fixtures. TLG understands that many of these tools do not require the fidelity of certified airframe component and that many of these jobs require a very quick completion schedule.
Also, our internally developed stress analysis templates can be used to generate certification level reports. TLG can provide support for test instrumentation definition and test plan creation and review when validation of the structure is required.